Monday, May 24, 2010

All Filled--Fill All

Now we enter Ordinary Time, a long period of reflection on how to live in imitation of Jesus, or otherwise stated, "the Christian Life." We have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and weekly (or even daily) have the opportunity to receive the Holy Eucharist and be filled spiritually as were the thousands fed and filled by Jesus. Not only with these heavenly gifts, but our lives are also abound with good, Spirit-filled people. Just think for a minute of the people who are close to us. Are we not blessed, even spoiled, to have such good people as our family and friends? Can we not agree with Matthew's description of the feeding of the five thousand, "They were all filled" (Mt 14: 20)?
As Jesus gives with a large hand and heart, so too are we invited to share in his lavish giving...not in things, but in gentleness, sensitivity, compassion and love. We can fill all that we do, even the simplest everyday tasks...driving, parking, holding a door, answering a call, washing dishes, writing a letter...just go down your own list...with these extra-special qualities, making the ordinary, extraordinary. St. Marcellin knew that he was not particularly gifted as a writer, preacher, academic or cleric, but in putting his heart and soul into all his actions and his dealings with people, he has left a huge mark on the world: our Marist heritage, spirituality, and approach to education, and has become a saint. As he was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Love of God, so has he filled generations. So too can we, all filled, fill all.
Bro. Rene

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