Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Rightfully, our nation sets aside a day to honor mothers. Who can count the hours a mother devotes to her family? The least that can be done is to take twenty-four of those hours to show appreciation and gratitude and to acknowlege in word and deed how central a role she plays in the life of the family. A mother loves without measure, and in justice, there can be no measure to the love her family shows her. It's not that the family "owes" a debt of gratitude. No, for a mother gives freely, without counting the cost, without keeping a ledger of debit and credit. Her love flows from a bottomless spring, refreshing, life-giving, and totally self-less. Her love shines as a model of how to love, focusing not on herself, but on the best interests of husband and children. It is a love made to the image of God's love for us: unconditional, unrestricted, eternal.
Yes, this one day is set aside as a formal recognition of the graced role of bringing forth life, nourishing it not only by physical food, but also in the all-important legacy of faith and moral values which provide the solid foundation on which to lead a happy and productive adult life, but it is also a reminder that every day should be a "mini-mother's day", in which love and gratitude are a natural part of action and conversation. And as we remember our earthly mothers today, let us not forget our heavenly mother, truly the mother par excellence. Mary, our Good Mother, thank you for your love and guidance and for the gift of our own mothers. Intercede for them and help them carry out the role you lived so willingly and so effectively. Amen.
Bro. Rene

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