Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not By Bread Alone

Jesus wards of Satan by telling him (and us) that it is not by bread alone that we live, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. In a time when materialism and cynicism are hardening hearts, and casting doubt upon traditional values, or when our own self-righteousness blinds us to our need for redemption, these words ring as true now as when first uttered. TV is full of Tiger's apology; he appeared contrite and speaking from the heart. Yet, comments I've heard: "I'm tired of Tiger." "He didn't say anything. When is he going to get back to golf?" My own reaction is to judge these nay sayers, until I realize that I too am not giving folks a chance to be who they are and where they are. It's so easy to be black and white, but the world is gray, and Jesus came to redeem the whole package. May I, may we, watch our thoughts and words; may we not be discouraged by our own lack of "perfection", but more than ever, may we allow Jesus to heal us from our sinfulness and feed us the bread that gives life. If we don't, then Jesus has come in vain.
Bro. Rene

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