Friday, February 19, 2010

Awake to Hear the Call

Often, confinement of some sort, an illness, a lack of energy, too much work, caring for another, or an addiction, can be a blessing. Stripped of our ordinary outlets and distractions, we are reduced to our little foxhole where we see that our only hope of escape will come from "a higher power." We become bludgeoned so that we are forced to "wake up" to what we need to face, what we need to do. Two recent unexpected deaths of friends have made me aware again that we need to be ready, for we know not the day nor the hour. Lent also provides that wake up repentence, to the need for conversion, to setting our house in order for the return of the Master. Being ready for Easter might be as far as we are called to go this year, but even that is a hearty call to clean house. May each day find us ready and awake to hear the call.
Bro. Rene

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