Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Bit of Good Advice

Note:  This was intended as yesterday's slice, but 9:00 am (posting time) came "too soon."
Bro. Rene

On his deathbed, King David gave some simple and direct advice to his son and successor, Solomon. "Take courage and be a man. Keep the mandate of the Lord, your God, following his ways...." 1 Kgs 2: 1).  In being true to himself, being fully a man with all that implies, and following the ways, the law of the Lord, he would find success.  This proved true until, unfortunately, later on in life, Solomon strayed, letting power, wealth, and the temptation to be like other kings lure him away from his father's admonition. 
As we look back to the advice of our parents and our early formation in Catholic elementary schools, (if we were, indeed, fortunate to attend one), we can see that David's message was the one we received: sound, solid, timeless advice. As we look at our lives today, do we see that we have kept it, enhanced it, and let it grow to full fruition?  If we say, "yes," then let's praise and thank the Lord; if "no", may we find the courage to reverse it to a yes.
Bro. Rene

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