Monday, July 20, 2020

Seeking Signs

We all wish for signs,  and especially today with the Corona Virus still rising around the world.  When will it end?  Why are going through all this? Whose fault is it? Did someone do something wrong to deserve such punishment?  Is this a sign that we should all repent, change our lives and turn to God? Give us a sign, an answer.
The Pharisees, ever scrutinizing Jesus, asked for a sign.  Jesus responded: "An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet," (Mt 12: 39).  Ultimately, the real sign is Jesus himself, a sign greater than Jonah.  He calls us to focus on him, his words, his miracles, his gestures of love and care, his death given that we might live.  What greater sign do we need?  Yet we keep looking in the wrong places. May we this day take some time, as we should daily, to be in the presence of Jesus and just let him fill us with his love. Our sign-seeking will end there.
Bro. Rene 

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