Wednesday, July 8, 2020

"Go To The Lost Sheep.."

"Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel," Jesus tells the apostles after selecting the Twelve. (Mt 10: 7) We live in a world full of "lost sheep".  A look at the daily news confirms this.  Something (Someone) is missing:  God. Where to begin this mission?  With ourselves...devoting more time each day (or week) to the reading of Scripture; contemplating it and asking God for insight and courage to incorporate it into our lives is a  good start and can give us the conviction to approach a friend or family member about his or her relationship with or understanding of God.  We hesitate to "invade" this private territory, but our kind and gentle concern might open doors that have been locked for years. Living our faith with its joy and fearlessness can do even more than words...May we put what we believe deep in our hearts in front of all we meet and trust that God will work through us to reach those who are searching or "lost".
Bro Rene

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