Thursday, April 25, 2019

Still Doubting?

Today's gospel picks up where we left off yesterday when the two "Emmaus Men" were still reporting about their experience with the Risen Jesus, and he appeared in their midst. (Jn 24:35-48). Taken aback, they thought it was a ghost and were terrified. Jesus greeted them, saying "Peace be with you." ate a bit of baked fish and explained further his mission, assuring them that his death and resurrection were all part of "The Plan." 
How would we react to someone who came back from the dead?  How do we react when time after time, Jesus assures us that he knows our needs and takes care of them?  We still fall back into doubting the next time a challenge or obstacle clouds our vision, or blocks our path.  Patiently, Jesus explains and "hangs in there" with us. This is the Jesus who loves us and who waits for our love to mature into unconditional trust. May we continue to move toward it, one step, one day at a time even if it takes a lifetime, and it DOES!.
Bro. Rene

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