Monday, April 29, 2019

Born Again

The intriguing discussion between Nicodemus and Jesus captures our attention today (Jn 3:1-8).  A Pharisee, came to Jesus by night, seeking answers privately from the teacher whom he acknowledged came from God because of the signs he performed. Jesus told him  that he needed to be "born again", a phrase that is used today.  But, as Nicodemus asked, how can this happen  Do we re-enter to the womb?  No, spiritually, we can be transformed into a new person as the darkened church before the Easter Vigil is transformed by the Light of Christ as it enters in solemn procession and candles in the hands of the parishioners are lit from it.
We remember Catherine of Siena today, a life of a born again person, humble, yet dynamic in word and deed.  We too can be born again, sometimes dramatically through Cursillo or A.C.T.S, (Adoration, Community, Theology, Service), and sometimes gradually by daily fidelity to prayer, meditation on the Scriptures or service to the community.   The Easter Season is a time for such rebirth.
Bro. Rene     

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