Wednesday, February 6, 2019


As painful as it is to be rejected, it is even more so when it's by friends or family. Jesus was rejected by the people of Nazareth with whom he grew up, who knew him as a child. Painful indeed, but they were the ones to bear the miracles were worked there as lavishly they were elsewhere.  Their lack of faith amazed Jesus and they bore the price for it. (cf. Mk 6: 1-6)
We often find ourselves rejected when we are trying our best to live our faith, especially today, when there are strong opinions against beliefs and practices Christian and Catholic.  To stand up for the unborn or the elderly is seen as "narrow" and "old fashioned" and can be the cause for ridicule or rejection.  No one likes to be beaten up, but it is never out of fashion to stand firm in the truth and for one's faith. Martyr have given their lives for it. Can we not stand a little pain for it?
Bro. Rene

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