Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Rocky Soil and Thorns

As we look around us these days, it seems that indeed, we are standing on rocky soil and are surrounded by wild and unruly thorns. The Sower, Jesus, is still scattering seed, but hearts are too hardened with concerns for material success or choked with the desire for immediate gratification and the seed withers before it can reach maturity.  Yet there is still "good soil" mixed with rocks or hiding under the thorns: willing and ready hearts that simply need time and an openess to the "miraculous" a combination of good example, thoughtful conversation, quiet reflection and grace.  A word, a gesture, a kind act, a demonstration of genuine concern for another at the cost of the sacrifice of personal time, effort or money, might be just the ingredient needed to open the seed to the growth and yield for which it was created.   It's never too late to cultivate or clear away the thorns. We might recall daily how Jesus went about sowing, and even ran into thorns among the Twelve, but kept tilling, watering and caring until the seed broke open, sprouted and bore fruit.
Bro. Rene

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