Monday, January 21, 2019

New Wine

We celebrate two people of different centuries and backgrounds, but who share something in common:  Both took what was known and made it new by the strength of their conviction.  St. Agnes, a young girl of 13 held fast to her belief in God, giving her life as a martyr, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who took the command to love neighbor as oneself beyond race, color or creed.  He too, was murdered for his convictions. Both took "old wine" and made it  seem like new wine by pouring it into the fresh wine skins of their experience, something we are called to do with the wine we have received from our parents and teachers.  May we drink deeply of that wine and through our lives make it palatable to others.
In honor of Dr. King, we might say this prayer today:
Prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
God of love and justice,
St. Paul proclaimed that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” As we celebrate your faithful disciple, Martin Luther King, Jr., may we be emboldened by your living Word and by his prophetic witness to rid the world of the sin of discrimination in our attitudes and actions. Help us to seek the unity that Paul and Martin saw so clearly so that all forms of injustice will cease. Grant us the courage and determination to be prophets of peace. May we welcome one another as brothers and sisters, rooted in your everlasting love. Amen,

Bro. Rene

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