Monday, July 30, 2018

Small Beginnings

If you want your dream to grow,
Take your time, go slowly
Small beginnings, greater ends,
Heartfelt dreams grow slowly.
The talented singer, Donovan, composed this verse (quoted from memory and not quite accurate) for the enduring Franco Zeffirelli film, Brother Sun, Sister Moon back in 1971, and they seem to be fitting to recall as we hear the parable of the Mustard Seed today. (Mt 13: 31-32).  The smallest of seeds grows into the largest of plants where the birds can nest in its branches...Corner grocery stores morph into large supermarket chains; a carpenter becomes the head of a large construction company...the stories are endless.  A small word, YES, changes the world.  Mary's Yes, Champagnat's Yes.  My Yes,  my "little act of kindness" can lift another from despair or depression.  Little seeds yield big crops.  May we not hesitate to cultivate them.
Bro. Rene

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