Monday, September 18, 2017

The Humble Centurion

Humility is one of the "Cardinal Virtues" of Marist Spirituality...Humility, simplicity and modesty, the three violets that appear in Marist logos, banners, and holy cards.  We are not strangers to humility, but neither are we perfect in it..  Always room for improvement.
Today's Gospel passage challenges us to a new level (cf. Lk 7:1-10) humble was the Centurion that he did not even want Jesus to go out of his way and come to his home; so great was his faith (a major component in humility) that he asked Jesus simply to "say the word", and his servant would be healed.
At Mass, we use the Centurion's humble approach as we use his words before receiving holy communion:  "Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed!" May I make it a point to continue this humble prayer, asking Jesus for the grace to desire that others be loved more than I, esteemed more than I, be, chosen while I'm set aside; be praised while I am unnoticed;  become holier than I, provided I may become as holy as I should. (cf. The Litany of Humility composed by Cardinal Merry del Val).
Bro. Rene

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