Monday, August 28, 2017

Seeking God

"Let hearts that seek the Lord rejoice.....constantly seek his face." (Ps 104:3,4).  St. Augustine, whose Memorial we observe today spent thirty-two years seeking the Lord, but did not find him until he set aside the creatures he allowed to distract him from the Creator.  He was athirst for Truth and Beauty but did not learn till later that God was the Truth and Beauty he was looking for.
We admire the beauty of God's creation, the mountains, the sky, people...whose intellectual, physical and soul-beauty cannot be matched, but it takes the God who is seeking US to open our eyes to see HIM and to allow him to flood us with his Beauty and Truth.  May we take one step today through gratitude to come to acknowledge and receive this gift which God so desires to share with us.
Bro. Rene

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