Saturday, August 19, 2017

Mary's Love

On this day 100 years ago, Mary appeared to the three Fatima children who had been detained in jail on August 13th, making it impossible for them to go to the Cova where she ordinarily appeared.  The children did their best to keep their promise to available to be with her and she kept hers, such was the love of this Good Mother.  Her major requests centered around praying the rosary daily, praying often during the day, and doing little "penances" and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners (always starting with "home"...ourselves...100 years later, her message is even more pertinent, demanding more of an effort on our part.  She will not give up on us; may we not give up on her!
On this day, the Province of the United States welcomes Luis Ramos as a novice; the many members of the province will gather for his reception this afternoon at 2:00 pm in the Chapel at Mount St. Michael Academy.  Please pray for this wonderful young man and pray that he will be joined by several others who are discerning their vocations...Mary will take care of him and us, as always.
Bro. Rene

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