Sunday, August 20, 2017

Building God's House

Today we remember St. Pius X, the pope of the Eucharist, and the humble man who came for poverty to head the Church from 1903-1914. It was another tumultuous time, with changes and transitions in society, biblical studies, theology and social issues.  He labored to address he issues of his day with courage and conviction and with special interest in awakening the hearts of the faithful to the legacy of Jesus's teachings and the power of faith. He promoted the religious education of adults and children, the formation of priests as representatives of Jesus and frequent reception of Holy Communion.  He lowered the  age of First Communion from 12 to 7, a practice still adhered to.
A holy, man, miracles were attributed to him even during his lifetime.
Again we see the frequent and ever-repetitive theme of how God can raise the lowly to achieve great things.  As God chose and molded Guiseppe Sarto into a pope and saint, so too can he achieve in us accomplishments beyond our imagination. This is how God's house is built, one stone at a time, one person at a time:  You and I.
Bro Rene

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