Sunday, July 30, 2017

Seeking Wisdom

"The Wisdom of Solomon" has been a catch word for centuries.  Don't we all wish we had judge, to act with a wise and understanding heart?   Such wisdom would help us move unflinchingly to sell all we have to buy the "pearl of great price" ((Mt 13: 46).  Alas, our "wisdom" is so often limited that we cling to the wrong things, unwilling to part with them, in order to acquire the greater treasure.  And the greater treasure is Jesus....could there be any more precious, priceless?  Yet. our comfort, our material security, our own wills, remain the treasures we cling to.  If God asked us to request something, would we ask for wisdom, "an understanding heart to judge rightly and distinguish right from wrong," (1 Kgs 3: 9), and find the freedom to "let go" of what we have to purchase the pearl of great price, of what prevents us from a total gift of self to Jesus?  Dear God, bless me with the gift of wisdom to choose rightly between the mundane and the real treasure, your Son. Jesus.
Bro. Rene

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