Thursday, July 6, 2017

Faith Saves

Three startling examples of the power of faith challenge us today. The first is Abraham's willingness to sacrifice the son born to him in his advanced old age, at the behest of God.  It's hard to imagine a father being willing to offer an only son no matter when he was born.  How could any man do this?
His answer when Isaac asked about the sheep to be slaughtered,was,  "God himself will provide the sheep for the burnt offering" (Gen 22:8)  It is the answer for us when we don't understand when what God is asking of us far exceeds anything we think we can do.
In the Gospel, Jesus cures a paralytic, first forgiving his sins and then curing him.  The friends who carried the man displayed their faith that Jesus could and would cure him, and the paralytic himself evidently believed Jesus could do this.  He received a bonus, the forgiveness of his sins.
And finally, we remember St. Maria Goretti, whose faith enabled her to ward off the sexual advances of a local young man, sacrificing her life to preserve her integrity. Her faith enabled her to forgive him and later in a vision to bring healing to her killer, Alexander,  Faith brought these saving results and reversals; to apparently irremediable situations: a reminder that miracles happen where faith is present and strong.  Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief!
Bro. Rene

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