Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Saints Anne and Joachim

The annual Memorial of the grandparents of Jesus brings to mind the importance of family.  We easily think of the Holy Family, but rarely associate the larger extended family, so important in  Mediterranean and countless other cultures. It's the grandparents and the great grandparents who set the tone for the family and keep the traditions alive.  In Western culture, where family is taking a hit, it becomes more difficult to maintain these traditions, and even the legacy of the faith.  Many families for one reason or another are divided, the faith is not passed down in its rich fullness and the children and grandchildren grow up in a faith vacuum.  Usually the grandparents step in but even that is becoming more and more rare.  Prayer and reflection on the parents of Mary are in order today as well as gratitude for the presence, support and love that only grandparents can give from their treasury of experience and wisdom.
This is  also a special day in American Marist culture, for it was for many years the day on which young postulants received the habit of the Marist Brothers and novices pronounced their first vows.
St. Anne and St. Joachim, pray for us.
Bro. Rene

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