Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Finding the Pearl

God has given us the magnificent gift of free choice, but sometimes he puts things in our paths that trigger that choice in surprising ways.  In today's Gospel, (Mt 13: 44-46), the farmer stumbles across a buried treasure...was not searching for it...just popped up.  He could have left it there, just taken it, or, as he did, sells all he has to buy the field with its hidden treasure.  The merchant, on the other hand, is systematically searching for fine pearls, he's deliberately looking for something special, but when he finds it, he too sells all to buy it.  Thus both gain the prize, the Kingdom of heaven. 
In our lives we might be doing some conscious shopping, planning, and working to find the kingdom of God.  Our search might come by way of losing something we value...a family member, our job, friends, our car or home.  The void might be just what we need to see the treasure or pearl God is offering to replace these things:  peace of soul, a change from a self-centered to other-centered outlook on life, a deeper prayer life, or a realization that simply our Presence is our role in this Kingdom. Will we have hearts open and generous enough to accept and move on what turns up in today's plowing or shopping?
Bro. Rene

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