Saturday, April 2, 2016

Affirm Films Scores Again

The production company, Affirm Films that gave us WAR ROOM and RISEN have another quality film in theaters currently:  MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN...Fine acting, cinematography, screenplay...all...with a strong, non-preachy message of appropriate especially in this Easter Season.  A week after the dramatic Easter Vigil and the culmination of a six-week Lenten season, we might tend (already) to question our faith, in light of terrorism and the woe-begone headlines that plague us day after day. This film presents a story where faith is tested to the breaking point but as always, affirms that no matter how bad things get, God's love is ALWAYS with us, giving us every reason to remain steadfast in faith, hope and charity...with a good sense of joy and lots of laughter thrown in.
Bro Rene

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