Thursday, June 25, 2015

Without Jesus?

The ACLU, evidently continues its onslaught against religion under its banner of total separation of church and state.  Navy chaplains cannot use the name Jesus, in their prayers, and now, the move is to eliminate prayer entirely from the military.  No definitive study has correlated the societal deterioration that has occurred since prayer was banned in public schools and other public functions, but heads are beginning to turn and ask, "What have we done?"  When we turn our backs on the God who created us, the Son who saved us, what is left?  Surveys reveal more "Nones"  (no religious affiliation) than adherents to some belief or some church. Violence in the form of mass shootings, drug over-dosages, and suicides dominate our headlines.  Is this the price we are paying for totally separating our society from God?  At least it might make believers firm up their conviction to make Jesus their best friend and to deepen their relationship with him in personal and public prayer.
Bro. Rene

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