Saturday, June 6, 2015

Living the Legacy

Marists around the world are honoring St. Marcellin on the anniversary of his death in 1840.  At that them there were a little over 200 brothers, but now we are 3,500 strong in 79 countries and more and more lay people are becoming committed to living out the vision and charism of this remarkable man.
In his recent video/letter to honor St. Marcellin, our Superior General, Br. Emili Turu set out the challenge to "get out of our comfort zones."   He interviewed three brothers and several lay people from Aleppo in Syria, where danger and insecurity reign.  Their hope, their courage, are an inspiration that makes it possible for us to match theirs.   What can we do to leave our comfort zones and take our Marist Work to a new level?  As we near the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Marist Brothers, the way will become clearer.  Let us pray that we are the ones who will be on board for the rocky, challenging ride ahead.
Bro. Rene

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