Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sublime Glory, Lowly Suffering

Today's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is quickly shadowed by a week of conflict with the Pharisees, another dramatic chasing of the money-changers from the temple, the betrayal of Judas and the gut-wrenching passion and death.  The one sweet moment (before the resurrection) is the Last Supper.  Matthew, Mark and Luke give short versions, focusing on the institution of the Eucharist and Priesthood, but John's fuller account gives us a real picture of Jesus...loving, divine, devoted to his Father and to us...John 13-17 are "musts" this week, especially on Holy Thursday.  Treat yourselves to a slow, reflective reading and meditation on them...Perfect for the adoration time after the celebration of the Lord's supper.
The pattern of this week is mirrored in our own lives, when at one point we are gung-ho for Jesus, and in the next fall into some very un-Jesus-like behaviors.  We could kick ourselves over and over again for the stupid and sinful things we do.  But they are blessings, as well as curses, if they force us to turn to Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer, as we come to see that only in Jesus is our power, strength and salvation.  May our prayers and meditations this day bring us closer to living out that realization.
Bro. Rene

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