Monday, March 30, 2015

Mary's Anointing

The scene is a dinner at the Bethany home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary.  Jesus and the apostles are there. All seems as normal, friendly and joyous as usual, for this is not the first time these friends have dined together. Yet, something unusual happens when Mary takes a liter of costly oil, anoints the feet of Jesus and wipes them with her hair.  This is not the first time Mary has fallen to the feet of Jesus. Just a few days ago she had come to those feet in her grief over the death of Lazarus.  The gesture is reminiscent to the woman who came to these feet at the house of Simon and washed them with her tears. Both incidents were expressions of total love and reverence.  Again there is controversy as Judas raises the question of the "waste" in contrast to the needs of the poor.  Jesus calms the situation with the telling words: "Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial.  You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me". (Jn 12 7-8).  Jesus gives a preview of what would transpire four days later. 
In another scene when Mary was being attentive to Jesus, she was defended for paying attention to Jesus rather than hustling about the house to prepare for the evening meal.  Her attentiveness of Jesus serves as a model for us.  We don't always give Jesus this kind of attention nor do we read the significance of his words and presence among us. Again we are told that these are more important than our busyness or even our service to the poor.
Bro. Rene

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