Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ups and Downs, Hots and Colds

Today's Gospel recounts Peter's confession of faith, in which he firmly states that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.  Jesus replies with a blessing on Peter and a promise to build his church on this "rock".  Yet soon after when Peter rebukes Jesus for wanting to go to Jerusalem to suffer and die, Jesus turns and with an even stronger rebuke says,  "Get behind me are an obstacle to me."  Wow...Not always the "gentle Jesus", and again, Peter putting his foot into his mouth, shows his immature faith and lack of full appreciation for who Jesus is...even though he just said he was the Messiah, the Son of God.! (see Mt 16: 13-23)
Don't you love Peter?  So much like us...we say great things in our prayers, our letters, e-mails, tweets, yet on the other hand we also say and do stupid things.  The amazing thing is even though Jesus might get perturbed, he doesn't give up on us, as he didn't give up on Peter.  THIS is what we should concentrate on in the midst of our ups and downs, hots and colds:  on the patience and fidelity of Jesus, not on our blunders.
Bro. Rene

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