Monday, August 25, 2014

St. Joseph Calasanz

A Spaniard from Aragon in Spain, Joseph became a diocesan priest.  When he went to Rome in 1592, he helped St. Camillus de Lellis care for victims of the plague, but later, in 1597, he opened a "free school" there in the Eternal City, took in homeless children and founded the Order of Piarists who care for and educate children. In a way, he is a predecessor of St. Marcellin, and is known as the patron of Catholic schools..
With schools opening next week (some are already open), his Memorial comes at a good time to hlep us reflect on the value and purpose of our Catholic schools.   They exist to educate and form students in the Catholic faith.  The formation does not take place only in the classroom, but in the whole ambiance of the school, in an atmosphere of order based on mutual respect and the Golden Rule.  Service activities, retreats, the celebration of the liturgy reinforce the overall experience of the faith.
Teachers living out their faith demonstrate what they teach, and as such, should be living an active faith life, for they cannot give what they do not have.  All of this requires effort and commitment.  May we all band behind our schools in prayer that they fulfill their mission in these very difficult and challenging times.
Bro. Rene

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