Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Enlightened Hearts

Dear Readers,
The promised link to the inspiring actions of Pope Francis I referred to yesterday, cannot be linked to this blog.  If you wish to see it, I will have to forward it to you via your e-mail address.  Don't hesitate to ask; it is worth seeing.

"The Enlightenment"  is a name given to the intellectual movement in the 18th century when thinkers and philosophers challenged traditional ways and for the most part, dismissed them.  The French philosopher, Voltaire was one of the chief leaders in this movement which undermined faith and set us on the course that has led to relativism, materialism and consumerism. Some would disagree, but these substitutes for a solid faith in God and the actions which flow from it, have not brought the prosperity, freedom and happiness they promised.
The intellect is only one part of the way we find and understand the truth.  Pascal, who was a contemporary of some of the great enlightened thinkers of his day in France, rightly observed:  "The heart has reasons which reason knows not."  The Collect of today's Mass prays:  "O God, who bestow light on all the nations, grant your peoples the gladness of lasting peace and pour into our hearts that brilliant light by which you purified the minds of our fathers in faith."  The light that truly ENLIGHTENS comes from Jesus and shows our hearts the way to joy and peace. Let this Collect be our prayer today; let us feed our hearts as well as our minds and bodies, and let us act on what our hearts tell us.
Bro. Rene

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