Friday, January 17, 2014

Acting on God's Word

As we celebrate the Memorial of St. Anthony of the Desert, we recall the story of his dramatic move from "the comfortable life', to the rough, ascetic life of the desert.  He was so moved by the story of the rich young man (Mk 10: 17-31), that he dispersed his inherited wealth among the poor and took up residence in the sandy desert, and spent the rest of his life there.  We hear the same Gospel story and others, and yet we make no such drastic change in our lives. Perhaps God is not calling us to such a major shift in our lifestyle, but he is always calling us to allow him to refresh us when we have found ourselves too busy,  His joy comes from our daily strivings, our embracing of the drudgery of routine.  We cannot always be on Mount Tabor, but how we deal with life on the plains of duty and necessity,  inviting the God of  of all, even the smallest details, to be with us, secures his friendship and etches his joy in our hearts.  It is no wonder that St. Marcellin encouraged his followers to recall the Presence of God frequently, for in it and through it, his Word permeates even our most ordinary actions.  St. Anthony, St. Marcellin, help us to act on God's word with joy.
Bro. Rene

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