Monday, January 20, 2014

Martyrs for a Cause

This year the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls on the same day as the memorial of the Roman soldier, St. Sebastian during the reign of the emperor Diocletian. Both these men knew that their lives were in danger as they stood steadfast in their beliefs.  Dr. King lived with threats to him and his family as his popularity grew, but he continued to stand up for the rights of those deprived unfairly and unjustly. His fears were fulfilled on that early April day in 1968. Sebastian, as the legend goes, tried to help Christians, despite his military rank, but was detected and betrayed to the Emperor.  He survived the arrows that pierced his body, and eventually was clubbed to death, never denying his faith nor regretting his attempts to protect others. Though these men never met (in this life), they serve as models for us as they both risked their lives for what they deeply believed.  How lukewarm we must seem to them as we duck our responsibility to work for justice and equality for all, or live our faith without the passion that drove them to their martyrdom.
Yet, our God is not finished with us, and the door to deeper love and commitment needs only the turn of the handle. May our reflections this day give us the courage we need to open this door.
Bro. Rene

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