Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Good Samaritan

Whenever this Gospel appears, it serves as a reminder and a challenge.  It is a reminder that the legalistic and ritualistic approaches to "religion" as exemplified by the priest and Levite, are not acceptable, but it is the unflinching, spontaneous and total outreach of the despised Samaritan who exemplifies the good "neighbor."  He interrupts his business journey to wash and treat the victim's wounds and sees to it that he has the proper care, along with the promise that he will stop back and take care of any further expenses or loose ends.  He did all that he could.
We cringe as we try to put ourselves in his shoes.  Could we, would we be able to do the same? We choke on the times we recall when we simply "passed by" or ignored a call for help, or a situation that would have inconvenienced us.  Where can we find such a deep sense of compassion that would enable us to be a Good Samaritan today?
If we remember that Jesus is the ultimate Good Samaritan, who stepped down from his Father's right hand to become one of us and expended all he had to heal and save us, the example of such total compassion might move us.  Even as we recall the many times when we have been the beneficiary of someone else's compassion: a stranger on the road who has helped us with a flat tire, or with directions, we might more easily follow suit. In any case, Jesus tells the story in such graphic detail that it hard to wangle our way out of the call to be a Good Samaritan.  Lord, remove whatever blocks me from treating others the way you have treated and are treating me even at this moment.  Amen.
Bro. Rene

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