Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sunshine In The Heart

Two days after Easter Sunday:  the challenge of keeping alive that Easter Spirit, fostered by the luxury of taking time to participate in the liturgies,  getting in touch with the love Jesus has for us by reflecting on the gift of his love to us, and renewing our promise to follow him and shun Satan, his pomps and his works, is real and should remain, to some degree, part of our post-Easter lives, but it can get buried so quickly in the return to routine. Metaphorically, there was sunshine in our hearts on Easter, when in addition to the joy of singing alleluias in our brightly flowered churches, we sat down to a spectacular Easter Dinner with family or friends, or both.  The alleluia joy was felt in our homes and in our hearts. We can keep the song alive and the sun shining if we continue to pray, reflect, "teach and admonish one another, signing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in our hearts to God.  And whatever we do, in word in deed, we can do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  (cf. Col 3: 15-17)   May we carry our Easter sunshine in our hearts wherever we go today and share it with everyone.
Bro. Rene

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