Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One Against Many?

A young man in his mid-twenties shared his goal with me of invading the business world, and like the first disciples, working for a change in the mindset of a large company away from profit, greed and exploitation toward a more human, eventually, Christian way of doing business.  Making huge profits would not fit into his pattern but making and selling products that would advance the well-being of others at affordable prices, would be his goal.  Or, if he were in government, again, the good of the nation, not personal aggrandizement would be his aim. This man's idealism may not be too far-fetched, for he himself has the intelligence, and soon the eduction, to make an impact.  His dilemma is the prospect of one man facing a huge corporation entrenched in its ways for decades. What does one do? How does one go about making a change?
Can we imagine the Apostles after the resurrection, with the commission of Jesus still ringing in their ears:  "Go, baptize, teach all nations...I am with you till the end of time." (cf Mt 28:29). They could have said, "Impossible, It just can't be done.  Yet they wasted no time after receiving the Holy Spirit, preached boldly, believed firmly, gave their lives selflessly, and made an impact whose ripple effect continues till this very day.  They did not do it alone; like Mary, they were overshadowed, empowered by the Holy Spirit and as a growing community of like-minded people, the ball began the roll that will stop only at the end of time.  My friend will find like-minded people in the business world, or in government, and in time, when they become the CEO's they will be able to make the changes they see as necessary. 
Today, wherever WE are, we can influence others by putting our faith into action, even in the smallest ways.  Just listening carefully to others, offering a word or a prayer of encouragement, spreading the joy, the magnetic joy of Easter, will have an immeasurable effect.  It worked for the Apostles; it will work for us.
Bro. Rene

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