Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Serving One Master

We recall that Jesus told us we cannot serve two masters.  He spoke of God and mammon, the spiritual versus the material, but within ourselves, are there not two forces competing for our attention?  God, for sure, is one, but the other is often just own ego.  Why do we go beyond the call of duty to help someone in need?  Is it because God does this and asks us to do it, or are we doing it to gain attention to ourselves?  Hidden motives to advance our reputation, to assuage anger, or simply to get a "natural high",  might even have us fooled so that we don't detect them and realize who or what  is mastering us.  "Purity of intenition" was a familiar phrase in the old books on spiritual growth.  It really sums up what we might say today as acting for the right motives, or in the context of this slice of daily bread, serving the one master, our Good God.  Again, as St. Marcellin recommended, remaining in the presence of God, saying a little prayer, such as, "Lord, let me do this for you", or "Lord, this is for you, not me."  before starting the next task on our daily list will help keep us on the track of this One Master.  Lord, you alone do I worship and serve; please keep me from placing myself on the altar.
Bro. Rene

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