Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Many The Gifts

Imagine for a moment the young Fr. Champagnat celebrating Mass in the "chapel in the woods" with his young brothers before him on rough benches and a dresser for an altar.  It is early in the morning before a long day of working on the contruction of the hermitage.   There are a thousand things on his mind ranging from the extra burden he was placing on the young brothers, how much they could accomplish that day, and how he would ever pay for all of this.  Yet he proceeds with his characteristic calmness. 
We are not building a five story building, but we have endless tasks and projects on our minds; how can we cope?  One way might be to take time to balance the burden by looking at the many gifts in our lives: the nearness of Jesus who offers us rest, peace; the beauty and goodness in the people we meet daily over and above our family and friends; the crispness of the air at this time of the year, the fall colors, our health, our faith, our ability to know and love.  If God has so blessed us, what is there to fret about? The gifts far outweigh the demands we place on ourselves or the overexaggerated fears that fill our imagination.  Jesus offers us the gift of rest where we can find assurance that we will make it through another day as we have through all the days before this one.  Thank you, Jesus for the many gifts that remind us of your constant care and presence.  Amen.
Bro. Rene

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