Wednesday, September 26, 2012


As roday we recall the generosity of Saints Cosmos and Damian, two Syrian doctors who lived in the 3rd century and whose pro-bono medical care won them the esteem of the early Church, we are still inspired by them and find their spirit of generosity alive and well today.  How many organizations and causes exist because people respond to a need?  The list of walks, golf tournaments, galas, not to mention mail and phone solicitations is endless. In our own community at Central Catholic, we received word of a recent graduate (May 2012), who was badly burned when the gas water heater he was trying to light exploded and almost totally destroyed his residence.  That he survived is a miracle, said the firemen, and word has it today that surgery and skin grafting will enable him to use his hands when all is healed.  Neighbors responded generously when they heard that his mother and father were flying to Colorado to be with their son, but could not really afford their plane ticket nor hotel accommodations.  Students here are collecting money to help them as well.  Jesus is the one who gave us the ultimate example, emptying himself totally, even to death on the cross.  (cf  Phil 2: 6-11 ).   May we always keep an open heart to be able to come to the aid of those in need.
Bro. Rene

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