Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Staying Positive

The last day of August. I would guess most of us are in denial that the months of summer vacation for school children and the weeks of vacation for us adults are for the most part over. The refrain, "I can't believe it's over" is being sung at work, in parking lots, at the checkout counter, over the phone, just everywhere. Well, this day, though not the official end of summer, and yes Labor Day Weekend, the last fling, is still to come, poses two choices. I can look back at what DID occur in these three past months, and give thanks for these blessings, or I can lament and drag myself through the day whining over all that I wanted to do and didn't, or over all that still needs to be done. Which one fits with my faith in our loving God and the better plan mapped out for us at the higher level? Have I learned yet to abandon myself to God's will, or am it still a stickler holding on to my own and crying because I didn't get my way.
Yesterday a friend sent me a little story about attitude. A woman looks in the mirror and sees three hairs only, but rather than panicking at the thought of going bald, she says, "Today I'll braid my hair." The next day there are only two hairs, so she decides to part them in the middle. The third day, there is only one, so she chooses a pony tail. The fourth day, there is no hair, and she exclaims in glee, "Yay. Today I don't have to bother fixing my hair!" How am I looking at the last day of August? Lord, keep me positive.
Bro. Rene

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