Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Unfailing Care

This comes for a very hot and muggy Miami Beach, Florida, and almost didn't make it since I had to use a new path to enter the blogsite from down here, which took me a long time because of a very slow internet day. Thanks be to God persistence paid off.
In the past week and a half, I have come into contact with so much brokeness, so much suffering, so many paths and ways of life alien to what we would consider the Christian norm, that it has brought me to my knees and to a deeper level of trust in God and God's unfailing care. The human condition is far from perfect, and most people seem to trudge through the mud of our human nature with more or less attention to God and his loving way as outlined in the commandments and in the message of Jesus. Despite this devience, God always stays faithful, gently leading, gently prodding, always loving. It is amazing to see how much diversity of behavior he loves and accepts. I find it a call to me to be as open to loving all, no matter who or where they are, as God does. When we come face to face with God, who is Love, the questions will be how much did you love, how much did you trust, how much did you seek to love me in my creatures? How non-judgemental were you? Did you leave the judging to me? Did your love support others, did it reflect my love for all of you? Thanks be to God that he doesn't judge us as quickly as we judge others.
Lord, help us all in OUR weaknesses, and have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen.
Bro. Rene

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