Monday, July 4, 2011

The Fifth of July

With fireworks banging away and the sky filled with color as I write the night of the 4th, what happens on the 5th of July? Do we forget the joyful celebrations of our independence, the prayers, the music, the memories, the memorials? Perhaps this can be a day of thanksgiving, for there is so much for which to be grateful. We declared ourselves free 235 years ago, and have had to work hard, even fight, to keep opposing forces from destroying our legacy. May we treasure what we celebrate and with trust in God and with every effort to maintain our own honesty and integrity, do our part to insure the future of our country as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.
Let us do the same for our Church, plagued by its own sinfulness and wrinkles, but still the chosen vessel of grace to the world. We tend to overlook the GOOD that is done daily in our Catholic Hospitals, social agencies, and schools, and by the countless "good priests" who continue to administer the sacraments, not to mention the enormous good that is done by vowed and lay Marists and others. Let the fireworks fly for the goodness that we so often overlook.
Bro. Rene
I will not be able to slice any bread until Saturday morning.

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