Thursday, June 30, 2011

Calling Out to God

When the Canaanite woman approached Jesus about the cure of her daughter, she kept calling out to him (Mt 15:23), as perhaps we've heard many times from the lips of street people begging for "a cup of coffee." We often pray like that, repeating, pleading, desparate for an answer, "our answer", the one we want. How often, however, does something occur "out of the blue", something good we have not even asked for, as a reminder that God knows our needs, and what he sends comes from that greater knowledge of what is best for us. It sends chills up our spine for it is a reminder that indeed, God is at our side, full of love and compassion. We need to be reminded again and again, in God's repetitive way (imitating, if you will, our repetitive urgent requests) that God's ways are not our ways, they are better.
Bro. Rene

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