Thursday, March 3, 2011

Small Sacrifices

As we prepare for Lent, now less than a week away, the example of St. Marcellin might help us choose something tangible to do that will help us take further steps toward becoming more like Jesus, in his mission and suffering, and prepare us for the renewal of our baptismal promises at Easter. When we renew these promises, it would make sense to have actually done something to give them "grit" rather than just be a rote formula. When we say we will "renounce Satan, his works and his pomps" what will that mean for us? What will we have renounced? Something, we hope, that will free us from the bondage of a sinful habit, such as gossiping, or speaking uncharitably about others. Each of us, examening our own lives, will find something we need to purge.
A symbolic sacrifice, such as giving up snacks between meals, deserts, salt, pepper...something that might go unnoticed by others, but which helps us "feel the pinch", could serve as a reminder that we are serious about the deeper need to clean up our tongue, to hold back telling that "juicy bit of 'news'" or making that uncharitable comment about someone else. St. Marcellin disciplined himself by not eating between meals, and admonished the brothers to follow his example. A small sacrifice which could have deeper implications if we let it.
Bro. Rene

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