Friday, January 7, 2011

Seeking the Lord

Continuing our reflection on Epiphany, we focus on the desire of the Magi to find the newborn king, a journey which can be seen as a symbol of our own desire to find Jesus. Isaiah tells us bluntly, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near." (Is 1: 6). He echoes the author of Deuteronomy: "You shall seek the Lord, your God; and you shall indeed find him when you search after him with your whole heart and your whole soul." (Dt 4:29). Jeremiah repeats the same admonition: "When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the Lord, and I will change your lot;" (Jer 29: 13-14). Whatever was entailed in the travels of the Magi, time, patience, frustration, apparent lack of progress, and even deception, were not unknown to them, as with any seekers trekking through a land unknown. As we pray today, we might put ourselves in the shoes of the Magi, and attempt to discover at what level we find our motivation, our desire, to deepen our relationship with Jesus. Sitting quietly with the passages from Isaiah and Jeremiah will help as well. The Lord is not far, nearer than we think. How much do we want to find him? Are we seeking him with all our heart and soul?
Bro. Rene

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