Monday, January 24, 2011

Marching For Life

Today, facing bitter cold, thousands of people will march from the Mall in Washington, DC to the Supreme Court after hearing talks from people of all walks of life and and many denominations and faiths about the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Last year there were estimated over 2500,000 marchers, 30 of them representing Central Catholic. This year's theme is "Thou shalt protect the equal right to life of each innocent born and preborn human in existence at fertilizaiton--no exception, no compromise." A strong statement, and although we will not be in DC this year, we will gather in our chapel before the Blessed Sacrament to be in solidarity with those who are marching and praying for this theme to be honored.
It is estimated that 50 million abortions have been performed since the ruling in 1973. The massacres in Rwanda, Cambodia and Nazi Germany don't even come close to that number. The world was appalled when the extent of these genocides became known, but little outcry, except from the grassroots across the country, is heard about the massacre of these innocnent unborn children.
By prayer and fasting here at home, we can augment the volume of those speaking in Washington and change the hearts of the proponents of abortion. Rwanda and Cambodia are at peace now, and violence has been greatly reduced. When the bottom has been hit, the reaction is to go in the completely opposite direction. It can happen here. Believe, believe, believe.
Bro. Rene

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