Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Empty Tomb

Since we know "the rest of the story", it's hard to imagine the surprise and confusion the women experienced when they arrived early on the day after the Sabbath to anoint the body of Jesus with perfumes and spices and saw the stone rolled back and only the burial cloths in the tomb.  We can understand the incredulity of the Apostles when they heard the news, , thinking the women were delirious. . Think back to last week when the fire at Notre Dame in Paris hit the media.  Incredulity, right?  Until we saw the images of the flames, we could not believe such a thing was happening.  Having forgotten the promises of Jesus, and totally swamped by the event of Friday, no one was expecting an empty tomb.  It took visits to it, and apparitions of Jesus to verify "the impossible."  So, today, let us take time to absorb the meaning of this empty tomb, and allow our own, perhaps lingering incredulity to morph into belief, joy and song so that like the finally believing disciples, we are moved to share our enthusiasm that Christ is truly risen, death and sin have been conquered and we too share in a new life in the Risen Jesus.  Let us sing and LIVE our Alleluias!
Bro. Rene

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