Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Open Hearts

The recounting of Jesus walking on the water in Mark 6: 45-52 reminds us of hos susceptible we are to missing the message God continues to repeat to us. When the disciples saw the figure walking on the water toward them, the thought it was a ghost and were frightened.  Jesus told them to "take courage and not be afraid." The wind died down, and they were astounded.  These two miracles (walking on water and  calming of the wind) occurred after Jesus had just fed the five thousand, but the apostles still did not "get it." "On the contrary, their hearts were hardened." (Mk 6:52).
This can happen to all of us, our hearts harden from routine, busyness, doubt, fear and anxiety, even after God has blessed us with "miracles" minor or major, as we might have experienced over the Advent/ Christmas Season.  Our jaded hearts are blind to these miracles and cause us to fail to believe that God sees my needs and takes care of them...all the time.   We saw his attentiveness in the multiplication of the loaves, or the equivalent in our lives, but still doubt and fear. Only with open hearts can we be attuned to God's loving care. With open hearts we can hear Jesus say to us, "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid." (Mk 6: 50), Dear God touch and open my heart that I may receive the loving care you daily lavish upon me.
Bro. Rene

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