Sunday, January 20, 2019

Marg's Interention

The Wedding Feast at Cana presents a glimpse of the role Mary played and still plays with her Son.  It's a common view, especially among mothers, that the KNOW their children, and mothers of sons seem to have a greater knowledge of them than even their fathers.  Mary's attentiveness to the wine situation shows that she is very aware of details and also sympathetic to what would have been a major disaster for the bride and groom.  She turns to Jesus, who protests that his hour had not come, but knowing him as his mother, she makes her move with the servants.  Jesus responds positively and lovingly, in a sense, coerced by his mother.  Who can refuse the request of a mother?  He works the "first of his signs" at her behest and before the appointed hour.  Is it a wonder that Mary is so popular?  And her intervention still goes on, as miracles of physical healing and conversion through her intercession abound, not only at the famous places of her apparitions such as Lourdes,  Knock, Fatima and Medjugorje, but also in the lives of so many of us. As Marists we are her "Little Brothers", especially close to her.  May we not hesitate to call on her and take her advice to "do whatever he [Jesus] tells us."  (cf. Jn 2:5)

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