Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Walking on Water

What would be our reaction if we heard Jesus tell us to jump out of the boat and walk on water?  And if we did take a few steps without sinking, how would we feel?  Would we lose confidence and begin to fear as Peter did?  We might chide him and say, "You were already walking on the water, why did you succumb to the fear that  you might sink?"  And as you lost faith, lo, you did begin to sink.  Yet, as we wonder at Peter's doubt, how much like him would we be?  Or are we?
When things are going well, and "all the ducks" are in order, doesn't the question arise, "How long will this last?" We are Peter, and like him, we need JESUS!  At least in our doubts and breaches of confidence, let us turn to him...Eventually we will learn and become rock solid in our faith and trust.
We look to St. Dominic, whose Memorial we celebrate, and see how he leaped out of the boat to confront the Albigensian heretics, which eventually meant leaving the Canons of St. Augustine and founding a new religious Order based on prayer and study, whose mission would be preaching, the Order of Preachers or Dominicans. He had plenty of reasons to doubt his ability to walk on these waters, but his faith kept him afloat.  It can do so for us too.
Bro /Rene

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