Thursday, July 7, 2016

Strength for the Mission

Our Gospel continues chapter 10:  the missioning of the Apostles (and us), repeating what we heard on Sunday.  A question might arise:  "Where do we get the strength to perform and sustain our mission?"  Our daily "peaceful sitting with Jesus...a time to be in his presence, in silence and in listening mode, helps calm us and put our day and the days ahead in perspective.  Again and again we are assured that HE is with us, and will help us do what HE considers the priorities (not always ours), and eventually we are delighted to see that in HIS time, all that we wanted to do gets done.  So, not fretting allows God's efficiency to work through us. 
And further, we have the availability of daily Eucharist, and the most intimate contact with Jesus, indeed, the Blessed Trinity, we can have. The choirs of angels, Mary, our Good mother, and the communion of saints are all with us.  Is there any other greater source of strength?  Makes what we want to do seem like child's play for the Creator of the universe.
Dear God, help me to get out of the way and let you give me the strength to carry out YOUR mission for today.
Bro. Rene

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