Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Being Jesus's Mother

"Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother."  (Mt 12:50).  Consoling and challenging words...Much needed in our time, and much in line with our Marist Call to be the face of a nurturing, tender, merciful and mothering Church.   We have Mary as our model ad guide.  She noticed important details, as "they have no wine," and quietly made sure they were addressed:  "Do whatever he tells you."  (cf. Jn 2:5)
How many people are discouraged these days by the sights and sounds of violence, abroad and at home.  Appalling, scary, upsetting.   It seems that every day there's another shooting or explosion killing hundreds.  One can pose all kinds of questions...why, who's to blame, etc...  Investigations might give some answers but don't seem to STOP the escalating attacks on the innocent.  Is this not an important "detail" that needs attention?  It's time for the merciful face of Mary to look lovingly at our neighbor, to encourage the downhearted not to lose faith, but to find renewed energy, hope and strength, as did the 12 men who signed a pledge 200 years ago at the chapel of Our lady of Fourviere in Lyon, France to found the Society of Mary. Europe was reeling from the effects of the French Revolution and Napoleon's attempted conquests.  A time for despair, but also a time for hope and challenge under the protection of Mary. Millions have since been positively affected as a result of this pledge...so a renewal of the zeal of these men and under the protection of Mary our Good Mother is the order of the day.  Can we do it?
Bro. Rene

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